Helping Families and Farmers navigate the regulatory framework for developing their land


Planning is the first and most important step in any project. I take pride in making the planning process more approachable for my clients by offering a common sense development framework that is compatible with my client’s goals.

Preliminary Planning Consultation

Our preliminary consultation will help me to understand your vision so that I can help you make it a reality. The consultation includes an overview of zoning requirements, environmental regulations, required building permits and other items related to your specific property.

Building Permits

I offer guidance on the proper completion and filing of all types of building permits. Once I’ve begun the project, I will handle the filing process from start to finish.

Remodels and additions

If it is a deck you need or an entire addition I would be happy to help you realize your vision with the help of licensed engineers and other professionals.

Conditional Use Permits

A conditional use permit is a zoning exception that allows you to use your property in non-conforming ways. It can be an alternative to applying for rezoning, and it can allow you to use your property in a unique way where rezoning is not possible.

Boundary Line Adjustments

A boundary line adjustment is a legal method to make minor changes to existing property lines between two or more contiguous parcels. A boundary line adjustment is often sought when two neighbors have a disagreement about exact property lines.


While the General Plan helps outline the goals and objectives of a community, the zoning ordinance provides the designation of each parcel in an effort to meet these objectives. Sometimes, the designation of a particular parcel can become incompatible with the current needs of its owner or community. Rezoning involves completely changing the designated land use from one category to another. A change from agricultural to residential would involve rezoning the land, as would changing from residential to commercial. Rezoning can be a lengthy and complicated process.


If you’ve received a violation, it means there is something on the property that needs to be corrected in order to remain compliant with local, county, or state regulations. If not corrected, the regulating parties could issue fines or even liens. I have years of experience correcting violations with the county, CDFW, and Waterboard. I assess the state of the property from project start to finish so that your land stays violation-free.

Lake and Streambed Alteration Permits (LSAs)

I can help you determine whether or not your project has the potential to have a negative impact on surrounding wildlife. I work with a team of scientists and engineers to create documents that satisfy the regulatory authorities to complete your project in an environmentally responsible manner.

Waterboard permits

Certain agricultural activities may require permits from the California Water Resources Control Board. I can help you obtain these permits and teach you what it takes to maintain them.

Post-Approval Satisfaction of Conditions

Making sure that post-approval conditions are satisfied is imperative for the implementation and longevity of a project. I am well versed in understanding how previous conditions may affect a current project and the best way to ensure continuity among different stages in development. I can help you understand your conditions, the way in which they are applicable, and the best way to manage their implementation so that your overall vision is not encumbered by inactivity.

Schedule a Meeting!

Meet with me in Laytonville, CA to discuss your development project.